hello there.
my name is emmie. i am a college student. i write poems, listen to music, and take photos of my friends. there's nothing particularly unique about me. i own a pair of yellow converse and i scribble an amalgamation of words in a tiny notebook in hopes they add up to pretty sentences. i slay no dragons, inspire no songs, and seek a simple life.
here's a poem:
Strangers in a Donut Shop
Ethereal moments. Timeless
Memories. A grungy
Donut shop. Tungsten lights
That cast a green glow
On their kingdom. For a
Moment even the saddest
Can laugh. A clenched
heart, stressed and always
pounding can ease. No
Tears can drown this
Fleeting happiness. We
Laugh, we bicker. Strangers
In a donut shop for a
Few minutes are the
Best of friends. Not
Even Mr. Brightside can
Make me cry tonight.